
旅游好助手 2023-06-22 22:25 编辑:admin 154阅读





3、原路返回。 注意:太白墓门票30元,其它地方免门票;行程中要多问,以便节约时间少走弯路,“路在嘴下”;到护河镇后可以坐回头的士一般每人15-20元。




Trip to Dangtu Daqingshan Zoo

Last weekend, I visited the Dangtu Daqingshan Zoo with my friends. It was an amazing experience that I will never forget. The zoo is located in the beautiful city of Dangtu, Anhui province, and is home to a wide variety of animals from all over the world.

As soon as we entered the zoo, we were greeted by a group of playful monkeys, who seemed to be having a great time swinging from the trees and playing with each other. We were also amazed by the majestic tigers and lions, who were resting in their enclosures. We then moved on to the elephant exhibit, where we watched these gentle giants as they ate and interacted with their caretakers.

Next, we visited the panda exhibit, which was one of the highlights of the trip. We were fortunate enough to see a mother and her cub interacting and playing with each other. It was truly a magical moment that left us all in awe.

We also enjoyed the bird exhibit, where we saw a variety of beautiful and colorful birds, including parrots, peacocks, and eagles. The butterfly exhibit was also a favorite of ours, as we saw hundreds of different species of butterflies flying around us.

Overall, the Dangtu Daqingshan Zoo was an amazing experience that I would recommend to anyone who loves animals. The zoo is well-maintained, and the animals are well-cared for by their dedicated caretakers. I can't wait to visit again and see what new experiences the zoo has to offer.




